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Non-Linear Lovemaking

Learn a deeper way of making love. 
For men, women, couples & singles.


There is another way of having sex that brings deeper pleasure and connection in the bedroom.

Men & Women, let's look at our bedroom times from another point of view.

There is another way of having sex that is not based upon the old linear approach that goes something like this:

Kiss a bit

Play around

Have your peak experience

Be inside of each other

Cuddle and fall asleep or get up & continue with your day

That is a very standard approach and it's like à 3-Course meal that is set in stages:

First this, then that, and we finish with this.

It doesn't mean that this is a bad model to follow,
I am sure that it can bring you depth, pleasure and joy...

AND it is NOT the only way.
Curious to learn something new?


"Why get stuck in one linear way of sexual exploration?"

The standard approach to sex is by far not as pleasurable for women,
as it is for men. 

It's what we are shown in Hollywood movies, and what you can watch on the adult orientated sites that are out there.

It has made all of us believe that this is
how we make love.

It blocks our brain from being creative & playful to think, act and explore outside the linear line.

This is how couples lose the spark
and get bored in bed.
It creates disinterest and
a lack of sexual compatibility & connection.

My invitation to you is to be HONEST,
has your lovemaking been kind of the same thing?

  • Even with different partners, it gets into a pattern?

  • Even if you switch it up a little bit here and there are you following some kind of linear approach?

  • Do you get a little bored at times and with for some new sparks to ignite your grotic passion?

  • SIGN UP!

    Here are 3 main keys you'll learn about in this masterclass:


    This masterclass isn't just based on modern sexology, the power of the knowledge comes from tantrik sexuality.
    You'll learn about the polarity of the sexes as well as the deeper layers of tantrik lovemaking so that you can bring the sacredness back into sex.


    You'll learn the #1 key regarding male & female sexuality that will instantly shift the way you show up in bed. Men get ready to learn about female sexuality that you can't google on the internet and women get ready to be blown away by what pleasure is possible for you in bed.


    What we have seen & learned about sex is a very small percentage of what is possible when it comes to sexuality & intimacy. In this masterclass you'll learn how to use the power of your sexuality to create deeper levels of intimacy with your partner, for now and years to come.

    "Let me teach you about a different approach to sex that gets you out of the ordinary routine, brings deeper connection, more pleasure and lasting intimacy."

    Non-Linear Lovemaking is based upon
    the tantrik approach to sexuality.

    The ordinary approach to sex is old-paradigm.
    It's how your parents (used to) make love.

    They didn't know any better.

    They never received a proper sexual education that looks at both male & female sexuality and teaches you how to make love in a way that is deeply pleasurable, intimate connecting AND sacred.

    But we don't live in the old paradigm anymore.

    Tantrik teachings about sexuality
    are re-discovered

    There is a conscious tribe of tantrik men & women who experience new ways of making love that are way more satisfying fulfilling connection and pleasurable.

    So the choice is yours;

    Do you want to keep doing what your parents did?

    Or connect with ancient teachings that are now available again and discover how you can up-level your lovemaking in a way it is deeply pleasurable for him and her?

    SIGN UP!

    "Tantrik lovemaking forever shifted my relationship with sexuality."

    Let's shift your approach to sexuality for the rest of you life!

    After I learned the information I am going to give you in this 1 super clear cut 90-min masterclass I forever shifted the way I related to sex, sexuality, intimacy & relationships.

    What you'll learn in this premium masterclass is GOLD.

    I usually only teach this inside my longer training & multiple day workshops and retreats.

    But I decided to take this masterpiece of content and teach you what you need to know to get started with tantrik lovemaking.

    SIGN UP!


    Value Packed 90Min Masterclass




    Arja is a brilliant, funny & very thorough teacher. 

    Great no-nonsense approach to sex

    I have done tantra retreats, I have read plenty of books, done on-line courses, and I even worked 1-1 with a sex coach, but I have never had anyone break down so clearly with a no-nonsense approach how wrong we've got it as a society when it comes to sex, and how much we can look forward to explore. I learned so much more from the non-linear lovemaking masterclass.
    Arja is a brilliant, funny and very thorough teacher. 

    Carol, France

    This training was such a game changer,

    My wife & I never felt this connected.

    I absolutely loved the non-linear lovemaking training! I have always had this pull within to discovering the ways of tantric sex. The connection I have with my wife has always been strong but now it is growing even deeper and stronger. The things you teach in the course immediately shifted and expanded my perspective on sex and I've put everything you say in practice right away, it was so fun and good and pleasurable. We've never felt that connected and I've never felt that intentional and in tune to touch her body soul and spirit. t was incredible. Thank you for offering this class to men to help us grow in the realm of sexuality.

    Jonathan Clay, NC

    I am Arja

    When people first meet me nowadays, they believe I have always been super sexual and in touch with my own pleasure.

    But they couldn't be more wrong.

    In fact, I used to feel very ashamed in my own body.

    I rarely felt orgasmic and I thought that feeling sore after sex was normal. When I discovered Sexual Tantra.

    I found out how wrong I was!

    Learning this new way of making love I started to be orgasmic, enjoy hours of lovemaking and learned how to express myself sexually, exactly the way I wanted

    I discovered there is a completely different approach to sex as I knew it

    Now, years later, I have helped hundreds of men & women to radically transform their sex ves, have the intimate relationships of their dreams. and get in touch with their own sexuality so that they feel powerful both in and out of the bedroom

    And now it's your turn.


    Value Packed 90Min Masterclass
